8 Essential Tips for Long-Range EV Driving in the UK: A Veteran's Guide

Mountain road with trees
After driving 50,000 miles across Britain in two Nissan Leafs, from Shetland to Sussex and Lands End to Lewis, here are proven tips for successful long-distance EV driving in the UK.

Nissan Leaf parked by water
Keep rapid charging below 90% while traveling. The final 10% charges slowly and multiple rapid charges can overheat batteries, reducing charging speed.
Contact chargepoint providers before long trips to verify route availability. App information may be outdated, so double-check by phone.
Charge when below 33% battery capacity when using unfamiliar charging stations. Always maintain enough reserve power for a backup charging location.
Maintain optimal highway speeds around 60 mph for best efficiency. Save faster speeds (65-70 mph) for when approaching known charging stations or your destination.
When traveling rural areas, choose accommodations like B&Bs or hostels that allow overnight charging. Bring a 10-meter extension cord and portable EVSE charger.
If charging fails, try multiple times systematically. Disable auto-charging timers during long trips. Carry at least three charging network cards and download all relevant apps.
Don't worry about temporary range loss on steep hills - regenerative braking will recover much of the energy on descents.
Consider alternatives like trains for certain journeys, especially when they offer more convenience and less stress than driving.
These guidelines ensure smooth long-distance EV travel while maintaining adequate power reserves and minimizing charging stress. Regular planning and maintaining backup options are key to successful electric vehicle road trips.
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